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Definition of the Phrase Tie Dye

Regardless of the spelling (tie dye, tie-dye, tie die, tie dyed, tye dye, or tie dyeing) all the phrase variations present the same image. The phrases "tie dye" and "tie-dye" are the most frequently used, but we hear new ones every week.

A Definition of Tie Dye

From the web dictionary Dictionary.com the following definitions are found.

tie-dye (td)
tr.v. tie-·dyed, tie-·dye·ing, tie-·dyes

To dye (fabric) after tying parts of the fabric so that they will not absorb dye, giving the fabric a streaked or mottled look.

  1. The process of tie-dyeing.
  2. A tie-dyed fabric or garment.

From the web dictionary Merriam-Webster the following definition is found.

A hand method of producing patterns in textiles by tying portions of the fabric or yarn so that they will not absorb the dye.

Tie-Dye Shirts

Our Tie-Dye Promise

Regardless of which spelling you choose to use, our employees are committed at the Tie Dyed Shop to giving you with first quality tie dye clothing with every order. We are honored to receive your orders and are very careful in their completion. We call our suppliers weekly and visit them periodically to insure our products meet our quality standards. We take pride in knowing that our product quality and customer service differentiates us from the competition. When you receive your first order, you will see the striking color difference with our clothes. Sure can probably find less expensive tie dye clothes, but you will not find higher quality longer lasting clothes than one from the Tie Dyed Shop.

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